
The beast–stoic and menacing, solemn and majestic–-will instantly engage visitors from afar and leave them wondering what enigma might lie within. The sheer size, innovative technology, and theatrical elements of this installation will recast the familiar tale for today.

Played by costumed members of Troy Camp and other Burners, Homer, characters from the Trojan WarCassandra, Hector, Hecuba, Achilles, Helen — and a host of Greek deities will guide visitors and complement the horse’s inherent interactivity with a blend of erudition, flair, wit, and humor.

Apollonian Dialogue During the Day

Under and around the horse and in the adjacent streets, our players will engage Burners in dialogue about the horse, stimulating their responses and offering channels and means of expression: art and writing supplies and a place to post their work and enter contests. We will also have daily storytelling of Greek myths for children, seguing to hands-on, horse-related arts projects.

Dionysian Ecstasy at Night

The daytime, intellectual, Apollonian approach will give way to wild Dionysian ecstasy and intoxication at night. Participants must climb steep ladders and stairs in the horse’s rear legs to reach the rooms in the belly of the beast. There we will play with their five senses, but in a context far removed from ancient Greece. We will use a variety of modern lighting and other visual stimuli to achieve unusual mental effects in viewers, A melange of electronic and other sounds, smells, potent absinthe-based potables, and tactile interiors will contribute to the phenomena acting upon participants. Beyond the main room, Burners will be able to ascend stairs to the lookout in the horse’s head, enter into an oracular state, then return to the horse’s rear and exit.

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