Artists Showcase: Wayne Labat & Lisa Ratner

Wayne and Lisa

Wayne Labat, a native of New Orleans, and Lisa Ratner, originally from Princeton, NJ, have a relationship that’s flying high–literally. The two are circus acrobats who met at Trapeeze High, a trapeze and circus arts school in San Diego. They are a new couple, professionally and personally, having started their relationship in January. Lisa works at Trapeze High and at a yoga center and formerly performed with Cirque du Soleil, while Wayne is a Surface Warfare Officer in the US Navy. He took a BA from UCLA in Japanese and an MA in social science from Syracuse. When they aren’t working or performing, they devote their time to providing opportunities for at-risk youths to experience circus arts.

For the Trojan Horse Project, they will perform routines based on Greek themes and speak about the origins of acrobatics in Greece 3,000 years ago.

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Building in a place of kinship

Bliss Dance head

The work begins its life in the company of kindred passion. The enormous blimp hangar is home to many works that have delighted us with mirth and inspired us with sheer awe in our playa home. Walking through the modest roll up door of the re-purposed naval hanger, we have the feeling of being backstage at a favorite performance or peeking under the tent wall of a traveling show. We see the familiar, but discombobulated, things missed on the playa but living in legend, albeit in sections or stacked against a wall. “Oh! I remember that!” “Ahhh…so this is where this lives off-playa…” and so on. Within seconds, that giant playa grin appears, and the faint, metallic aroma of the playa perforates the moist, salty air of the bay. From this dot of soil pinched between two iconic bridges, San Francisco and the Golden Gate lie to the west, blanketed under the slow roil of the fog, and to the east, lay the grand Berkeley Hills and the playa beyond. Building the work here is working among family, and that family is working to go home again.

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The Gates of Troy

On Friday night columns of Burners will pull our 20-ton beast on its massive cart across the playa and through the Gates of Troy. The Gates of Troy are modern-day obelisks (Note: Obelisk is a Greek word!) designed to fit in style and spirit to the menacing nature of our horse.

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Meet Quillface! And Let’s Make This Video Go Viral!

Quillface, the Trojan Horse Art Director and project spokesman, describes his vision and announces fundraising campaign.

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Help by donating here and posting this video all over the internet!

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Flaming Arrows and Call for Archers!

Ancient Greek Archer

We added an archery section to our website, with a Call for Archers, our Master Archers vision statement, and a detailed plan on how to shoot wire-tethered flaming arrows!

“… On release from the archers’ bows, the arrows will be guided along a steel wire—either galvanized or stranded wire like that used in fishing leaders. Each 150 to 200-foot length of wire will be anchored to the horse with a six-inch target square for the arrow point to penetrate. …”

And we very much recommend to head on over to our Master Archer’s Trojan Horse Archer’s Site, because it is full of exciting videos and pictures, and you’ll even stumble over some fellow Trojans players there like Goddess Artemis, a Mother Fire Nymph and the Queen of the Amazons!

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Trojan Horse March and Processional

Our art director Douglas Bevans is composing the Trojan Horse March and Processional, which will be performed Friday night by a huge corps of brass players, drummers, and percussionists recruited from around the world and throughout Black Rock City. Our aim is to make this the largest live music event in Burning Man’s history.

“While the composition overall will be rhythmic in nature, the intended mood is dark, dissonant, and abstract, even frightening. [...] The drums will provide a morose plodding rhythm akin to a funeral march. The brass, in addition to playing the main musical theme, will sometimes mimic the creaks and groans of the horse being pulled across the playa and other times will contribute to the cacophony of the crowd. As the horse comes closer to the Gates of Troy, the music will shift and build in a triumphant crescendo. …”

Read up on the details and the sequential overview of the procession on our music page!

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San Francisco Model-Building/Open House – April 14-17

Treasure Island’s fabled World Headquarters, home to such iconic playa artists as Mark Lottor, Peter Hudson, and Marco Cochrane, was the scene of much horsing around in mid-April. Work began on the first step in constructing the horse, building a 1/8 scale model. Five core team members–Douglas, Ariel, Ray, Joel, and Eric–hosted an open house that drew several new volunteers and one major funder.

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Seattle, Open House – April 13

After shooting video at the Triple Door Jazz Club, Alaya, Douglas, and Eric presented plans for the Trojan Horse and recruited new volunteers at Inscape, a space for artists in Seattle’s International District.

Here are some snapshots of the event:

Were you there as well? Got some pictures? Drop us a note!

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Help Us Bring This Beast To Life!

We’re officially launching our Canadian & US Fundraising Campaign. While we are looking for angels–major donors who support the arts–smaller donations from many folk are essential. All contributions great and small will be rewarded and all donations made within the United States are tax deductible. Spread the word and the love widely!

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Interview with Joel Dean Stockdill, Construction Lead

Interview by Eric Swenson, Trojan Core Team

ES: You’ve established quite a reputation for working on big projects, things like a 180-foot long battleship, 30 feet tall, with a dance floor inside, for a Halloween party. How on earth did you get involved in thinking big?

JDS: I think it started very early. I was always interested in art. My Dad loved woodworking, and he passed that on to me. I grew up moving around a lot, and this experience helped shape me. It gave me confidence that I could go anywhere and make something happen. When I graduated high school, I took a train to New York City with high hopes of becoming an actor. I didn’t succeed at that, but as a lighting technician in a nightclub I felt the power of my creativity to move crowds of people. Continue reading

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