DISCLAIMER: The project has continued to evolve since this post was written. There may be some points below that are no longer applicable. We have, however, chosen to keep this post active as it represents an important part of the project’s history.
I am extremely happy to see the project’s membership growing. I very much look forward to meeting all of you in person – hopefully in the magic that is the desert, if not before. In light of all the new interest in this project, there seem to be many new external ideas surfacing. I thought it best, for all involved, for me to clearly define the conceptual constraints, in the form of Negotiables / Non-Negotiables.
Please find below a list of what I have deemed negotiable and not. Most of the items listed below are from the original written concept that I sent out to the core members. As with most things Burning Man, there is a tendency to want to go all out – or over the top. My vision for this installation is quite different. Although we will have some pyro and lighting, I feel the horse’s design strength lies within its simplicity. The mood I want to convey is one of both solemnity and majesty. In addition, the horse will express seriousness and will be stoic and menacing in appearance. Of course there will be play and partying associated with it, that’s a given. However, I want to be clear that the installation should be viewed as an art piece as appose to an art car or toy. I encourage you as new members to please continue submitting your conceptual ideas, I only ask that you review the said conditions to make sure they align with the vision.
Douglas, art director
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